We support you in your French and European grant applications to fund Research, Development, Innovation and industrial and commercial deployment.
We provide an institutional reporting of your project for the good execution of your missions and responsibilities towards partners and funders.
We contribute to the definition and implementation of the communication strategy and dissemination of the results of your
collaborative projects, according to the expectations of funders.
We provide an operational support for the management of industrial interest groups related to public policies.
Setting up projects
2IA Consulting supports Start-ups, SMEs, ETIs, Large Companies and public research actors in the framing of R&D and innovation projects:
- Challenge of general management and R&D, strategy and industrial teams,
- Prioritization and organization of work that may be the subject of a funding application,
- Analysis of project input data: partner search, support for structuring the project into workpackages and tasks, budget consolidation, assessment of economic and commercial prospects,
- Identification of direct public funding opportunities within regional (Ville de demain, Territoires d’industrie), national (Investissements d’avenir, France Relance) and European funding programs (Horizon Europe: ERC, MSCA, research infrastructures, Cluster calls).
Innovation fundings
2IA Consulting is involved in the complete grant application process for French or European calls:
- Support in the drafting of scientific (innovation program), economic (market analysis, industrial and commercial strategies) and financial (business plan, profitability analysis) parts,
- Critical review, valuation of the relevance of the project, guarantee of the consistency, quality and completeness of the proposal,
- Management and coordination of the consortium, organization of the contributions of each partner, collection of administrative and financial forms,
- Online submission,
- Representation of the common interests of the partners to the funder.
Project management
2IA Consulting supports its clients in the institutional reporting by offering:
- Operational coordination of the consortium,
- Administrative tasks management : monitoring of schedules, budget and deliverables, organization of project governance, definition of KPI performance indicators, project quality plan, etc.
- Legal and contractual management: negotiation of the consortium agreement, compliance with financing agreements, amendments,
- Support for internal and external communication on the project (website, newsletter, social networks), dissemination and sharing of results,
- Continuous assistance for a facilitated and coordinated interface between the client and the funder,
- Reporting on the progress: preparation and critical review of reports, collection and analysis of partners’ contributions and technical deliverables.
Communication & Dissemination
We contribute to the definition and implementation of the communication strategy and dissemination of the results of your collaborative projects, according to the expectations of funders:
- Drafting the scientific dissemination strategy (dissemination plan), management of activities,
- Identification of exploitable results and target groups,
- Monitoring of scientific publications, participation in scientific conferences or exhibitions,
- Creation of visual identity of the project and communication materials (logos, brochures, videos, press releases, newsletters, etc.)
- Creation and maintenance of the project website, animation of social networks,
- Organization of events (conferences, webinars, seminars, workshops, etc.)
Coordination of cooperative programs
We work with private and public actors in the definition, evaluation and implementation of public policies to support competitiveness and the development of national and regional strategic sectors:
- Operational coordination of private and public actors,
- Management of consortium, monitoring of actions,
- Framing and drafting of strategic roadmaps,
- Dissemination and communication of results,
- Setting up of documents management system.